All art shown on this blog was created by me, is documented and has a copy-right.  Please don’t steal any of my art for your own personal gain.

My art is my legacy. I’ll never get rich as an artist, maybe my kids will, when I die. This is all I have to give them. If you enjoy what you do, you can’t call it WORK! I’ve had real jobs, sorry but I’d rather be poor and happy than work for someone else and be miserable.  My knives will be here long after I’m gone, and if I inspire someone, like others have inspired me, my time here on earth wasn’t wasted.

After 1 1/2 years of  spamming myself across the internet, I’m starting to get noticed. Legendary knifemaker to Hollywood Stars, T.V. & Movies, Chuck Stapel, has my “Nautical Knife”.

Guard on Nautical Knife

Anchor with jewel on pommel of Nautical Knife

He wanted to see it “up close and personal”. He liked it so much that he is sending me two of his custom made knives to work on!

Tomorrow, I should be getting a Japanese Kiridashi in the mail from Traditional Japanese knifemaker, James Bieler (Bubba-san Forge.) I will be engraving a dragon into the blade. The word for engraving, tattooing & carving in Japanese is Horimono. I will post pictures of this WIP, (work in progess.)

Here is the Kiridashi. This is made from Tamahagane steel, hammered &  folded to create over 1,000,000 layers! This metal is so silky smooth, it’s sensuous and seductive to touch. After it’s engraved, James will polish it, to bring out the wave pattern in the steel.

#1 – Uncarved Japanese Kiridashi

#2 – Dragon design – Placement of picture

#3 – Chinese white applied to metal. Drawing is transferred to steel.

#4 – All metal is taped, leaving design exposed. This is to prevent unwanted marks on steel.

#5 – Detail of first cuts.